Dot Runner – Complete Edition

Download Dot Runner – Complete Edition ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Dot Runner - Complete Edition rom

ROM Information

Dot Runner – Complete Edition is an Action game developed and published by Intense for the Nintendo 3DS and was released on September 14, 2011. Dot Eater, a Nintendo 3DS downloadable title from Japan, has now been revamped for the overseas market with brand new content and a new name – Dot Runner: Complete Edition! 50 new stages have been added for an impressive total of 100 stages for you to play through. With war raging, can BOLT defeat Chop Suey, the boss of the Yakkini-ku Corps?

Dot Runner: Complete Edition” is a dot-eater action game in which dots that appear in dungeons must be devoured within the time limits. Featuring two complete storylines in one game across 100 stages, venture back to the year 986, and forward to 3015, enter the dungeons, and defeat your old enemies, the Yakkini-kus. This action-puzzle game is all about speeding through tight, maze-like levels, grabbing as many dots as you can along the way. These dots only appear once you run over certain tiles in the direction indicated by their arrow, giving you four seconds to scoop them up before they disappear forever.

File Name

Dot Runner - Complete Edition

Cart Size







USA, Europe & Japan





Release Date

September 14, 2011


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If you find a ROM that's encrypted, you need to use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor, created by Matif.

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Not all games are fully compatible with Citra. If you do find a game that's not working, try using the latest PabloMK7 Citra fork, the continuation of Citra since its shutdown.
