Farming Simulator 2012 3D

Download Farming Simulator 2012 3D ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Farming Simulator 2012 3D rom

ROM Information

Farming Simulator 2012 3D (Farming Simulator 3D for the U.S. 3DS version) is a simulation video game in the Farming Simulator series, developed by Giants Software and Astragon for Nintendo 3DSiOS, and Android in 2012-2013. Put on your boots and get your 3DS now its time to play your favorite career-simulation on your portable console! The Nintendo 3DS is a groundbreaking hardware that brings 3D gaming to the handheld market for the first time.

The 3DS utilizes a 3D slider functionality and an improved top LCD display to present a glasses-free 3D effect in compatible games, while giving players the option to moderate the effect as they see fit. This technology now allows you to work a 1 km wide scenery with acres, roads, your house and farm as well as a small village, with the vehicles found in your generous fleet all three dimensional in the Farming Simulator 2012 3D. Take a seat at the wheel of authentic farm machines by renowned manufacturers like DEUTZ-FAHR, KRONE, HORSCH, POeTTINGER, AMAZONE, LEMKEN and VOGEL & NOOT and get started.

Plow and grub your fields, seed one out of three plants (corn, rape and wheat) and fertilize them to accelerate the growth. For your motivation, you will be able to sell the harvest and invest it into new equipment. As known from the “Farming Simulator-series, you will be supported by digital assistants, who take over the work you assign them to. That way you will be able to efficiently organize your farm and maximize your profit.

File Name

Farming Simulator 2012 3D

Cart Size







USA, Europe & Japan





Release Date

March 30, 2012


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What if the ROM is encrypted?

If you find a ROM that's encrypted, you need to use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor, created by Matif.

The ROM isn't working correctly?

Not all games are fully compatible with Citra. If you do find a game that's not working, try using the latest PabloMK7 Citra fork, the continuation of Citra since its shutdown.
