Kirby Fighters Deluxe

Download Kirby Fighters Deluxe ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Kirby Fighters Deluxe rom

ROM Information

Kirby Fighters Deluxe also known as Kirby Fighters Z in Japan is a Fighting game that was developed by HAL Laboratory for the Nintendo 3DS and was released on July 23, 2014. Based on the Kirby Fighters minigame in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, this beefed-up, standalone edition is a portable riot! Dive into the fighting action as a lone fighter or against three friends via Local Play, and empty their health bars before yours runs out!

Pick from 10 different versions of Kirby, each with their own color and Copy Ability. Each Copy Ability has unique special attacks: as Archer, shoot arrows and hide behind cardboard scenery, or select Bomb to throw or roll explosives that detonate on impact! There are 11 colorful and dynamic arenas to fight in, and you’ll often have ledges and platforms to attack your rivals from.

Jump or float to avoid getting hit, and make sure you dodge hazards and enemies in the levels themselves – no one wants to get splatted in Springy Hand Land or toasted in Haldera Volcano! Even if you do get defeated, you’ll turn into a Ghost Kirby, damaging other fighters on contact – dole out enough hits in this form and you’ll come back as your original Kirby to carry on the fight!

It’s not just you and your Copy Abilities, though: you’ll find a lot of useful items littering the stages, such as food and drink to replenish your health, cannons, spike balls and attack stars to bash your opponents good, and even speed bonuses and invincibility! All you need to do is destroy the crates they come in. To keep the action balanced, you can set options like the number of items and hazards, whether Ghost Kirby characters are active, and the handicap level, which makes sure everyone’s got a fighting chance, irrespective of skill.

File Name

Kirby Fighters Deluxe

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USA, Europe, Japan, Korea & China





Release Date

July 23, 2014


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[Total: 12 Average: 3.8]

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If you find a ROM that's encrypted, you need to use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor, created by Matif.

The ROM isn't working correctly?

Not all games are fully compatible with Citra. If you do find a game that's not working, try using the latest PabloMK7 Citra fork, the continuation of Citra since its shutdown.
