Lego City Undercover – The Chase Begins

Download Lego City Undercover – The Chase Begins ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Lego City Undercover - The Chase Begins rom

ROM Information

Lego City Undercover – The Chase Begins is an action-adventure video game developed by TT Fusion and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS. It was released in April 2013. The game is based on the Lego City brand. It serves as a prequel to Lego City Undercover. Two years before the events of Lego City Undercover, Chase McCain, a rookie cop working for the Lego City Police Department, is tasked with arresting the city’s most wanted man, Rex Fury. To find Rex, Chase must explore the city.

As far as story connections go, it was Chase who accidentally revealed that Natalia Kowalski, his girlfriend who previously worked as a news reporter turned out to be the secret witness in the Rex trial, which forced her to go under witness protection. As a result, Chase was eventually exiled from Lego City, but not before he attempted to fix his mistakes by pursuing Rex and the criminals that work for him. It also outlines how Chase managed to arrest Rex Fury.

Furthermore, the game reveals that Mayor Gleeson, a character also featured in Lego City Undercover, was formerly the chief of police, and how Chief Dunby was just a deputy officer. Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins is an open-world action-adventure game in which the player fights crime in Lego City as police officer Chase McCain. The player targets gangs by chasing after criminals, building LEGO objects by breaking apart and repurposing other objects, and finding collectible items like outfits.

The world is generally split into various sections which are locked off until the player defeats a boss of a gang in a certain section. With each section, a new gang is introduced, and the player unlocks a new outfit which helps navigate the environment. The missions usually involve fighting characters, platforming sections, and fetch quests. The player can drive vehicles across the map, and helicopters are used to fast travel between different locations.

File Name

Lego City Undercover - The Chase Begins

Cart Size







USA, Europe & Japan


Action Adventure



Release Date

April 21, 2013


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[Total: 24 Average: 3.8]

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