Monster Hunter Generations

Download Monster Hunter Generations ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Monster Hunter Generations rom

ROM Information

Monster Hunter Generations is an action role-playing game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo 3DS. Announced in May 2015, the game was released in Japan as Monster Hunter X in November 2015 and internationally in July 2016. Like other titles in the Monster Hunter series, players undertake quests that involve hunting large dangerous creatures, either solo or in multiplayer. Major additions in this installment include special attacks, new combat styles, and the ability to play as Felynes who have traditionally only appeared as a companion to the player.

Although it retains the core gameplay of previous mainline entries, Monster Hunter Generations is considered a spinoff title according to the developers. An expanded version of the game, titled Monster Hunter XX, was announced in October 2016, and was released exclusively in Japan in March 2017. The game has sold more than 8 million units worldwide, as of September 2020. Monster Hunter Generations features gameplay similar to past titles in the series.

The player assumes the role of a hunter who embarks on quests to hunt dangerous creatures. A hunter’s abilities are determined by the type of armor and weapons that they wear on a quest, as the hunter otherwise has no intrinsic attributes that affect gameplay. All fourteen weapon types from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, ranging from swords, hammers, bows, guns, and lances, are included in Monster Hunter Generations, in addition to the new Prowler mode which allows the player to take the role of a Felyne, a sentient cat-like species. 

Each weapon has different sets of moves and abilities that can be employed while in the field. Armors grant defensive bonuses to physical and elemental damage and can boost specific skills and attack types through base attributes and the addition of special decoration gems and talismans. To make a more powerful hunter that can survive against more dangerous creatures, the player takes materials carved from monsters (either slain or captured via traps), as well as materials gathered from the various fields and purchased in village stores, to craft new armor or to craft and upgrade weapons.

Defeating more powerful creatures enables even more potent equipment to be crafted, thus creating a gameplay progress through the game’s loot system. New in Generations is the ability to transform armor pieces into new gear similar to weapon upgrade paths by upgrading it with materials from broad categories, like bones or ores, and having the ability to upgrade a weapon directly to a more advanced version without the intermediate upgrade steps.

File Name

Monster Hunter Generations

Cart Size







USA, Europe & Japan


Action RPG



Release Date

November 28, 2015


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If you find a ROM that's encrypted, you need to use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor, created by Matif.

The ROM isn't working correctly?

Not all games are fully compatible with Citra. If you do find a game that's not working, try using the latest PabloMK7 Citra fork, the continuation of Citra since its shutdown.
