Pokemon Double X

Download Pokemon Double X ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Pokemon Double X rom

ROM Information

Pokemon Double X is a 3DS ROM Hack by Saiklex based on Pokemon X in English. It was last updated on June 02, 2021.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Bun.


All battles in XY, converted to double battles, with a steeper, challenging level curve. From the maker of Pokemon Emerald: Double Edition

IMPORTANT: As SOON as you get Pokéballs, catch at least one Pokémon. The game will crash immediately if you enter a trainer battle with only one Pokémon present.


  • -Doubled up all the way to Coumarine City and Ramos, (provisionally) complete!
  • – Over 50 of the ~150 originally unencounterable Pokémon Pokémon added into the encounter tables. Never more than 8 per zone, and primarily replacing Pokémon that have already been seen in another area.

Known Issues

  • -Sky battles freeze the game if turned into doubles. Sky battles are not safe. Do not do it.
  • -Talking to a trainer instead of letting them approach you causes a temporary freeze followed by the text box being empty, but the battle continues as normal.
  • -Game crashes if you enter a trainer battle with only one Pokémon. Get a second one ASAP.
  • -If you only have one Pokémon that isn’t knocked out, you enter the battle fine, and send out the corpse(?) of one of the KO’d ones. It can’t do anything and isn’t targetted, and from a small bit of testing it seems aesthetic only, didn’t cause any crashes or softlocks.

Upcoming features

  • – The rest of the trainers in the game, doubled up.
  • – Encounter every single Pokémon eventually, in one place or another.
  • – Pokémarts stock more useful, doubles-centric items.


Alpha 2

  • – Made Burmy trainer on Route 3 not spam protect
  • – Complete rebalance of previous trainers, specifically:
  • – First gym and fights up to it made easier
  • – Tierno first fight made a little easier
  • – Second gym made easier overall (no longer serves the “Final Boss of Alpha” purpose)
  • – Viola’s Shuckle and Grant’s Probopass made more annoying
  • – …causing the EXP curve to be only (hopefully) 10 levels higher than vanilla instead of nearly 20 by Grant.
  • – Wild Pokemon have much higher levels, only a handful below trainers in the area, for easier grinding and easier team-switching





File Name

Pokemon Double X

Cart Size












Release Date

June 02, 2021


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What if the ROM is encrypted?

If you find a ROM that's encrypted, you need to use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor, created by Matif.

The ROM isn't working correctly?

Not all games are fully compatible with Citra. If you do find a game that's not working, try using the latest PabloMK7 Citra fork, the continuation of Citra since its shutdown.
