
Download Sumico ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Sumico rom

ROM Information

Sumico is a Puzzle game developed by Engine Software for the Nintendo 3DS and was released on December 18, 2014. Ready for a new type of puzzle game? In Sumico you match numbers and operators to make sums that equal the target numbers. Sumico offers an 82-level Campaign and an Endless Mode. So, a lot of brain-wrenching numbers and operators are waiting for you. Have fun! The campaign consists of levels that are beaten by reaching a certain number of targets. For each level, the player will get a star rating depending on how well he has performed and can then move on to the next level.

The campaign is divided into stages and to advance to the next stage a certain number of stars has to be earned. Endless, as can be expected, goes on until there are no more operations to be made and the aim is to get as high a score as possible. Here the player can choose which operators to include in the game with multiplications, divisions, and squares being optional. There is also a junior mode which disables negative targets and an educational mode where actions follow the Order of Operations.

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Release Date

December 18, 2014


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What if the ROM is encrypted?

If you find a ROM that's encrypted, you need to use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor, created by Matif.

The ROM isn't working correctly?

Not all games are fully compatible with Citra. If you do find a game that's not working, try using the latest PabloMK7 Citra fork, the continuation of Citra since its shutdown.
