Toys vs Monsters

Download Toys vs Monsters ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Toys Vs Monsters rom

ROM Information

Toys vs Monsters is a Strategy game developed and published by EnjoyUp Games for the Nintendo 3DS and was released on December 18, 2014. Terrifying monsters have always been with us in our dreams and imagination. It’s time to get those fears out of our heads; it’s time to smash them all! Put yourself in the hands of the toys that have been with us in every generation. Enjoy classics that never go out of style on your Nintendo 3DS: rubber ducky, piggy bank, rocking horse, and more!

They will help make sure you are never afraid, and they will keep the monsters from entering your dreams or imagination. Build a squadron of toys and wage an all-out war on the evil monsters. There are several amazing battlefields for the kids: fairs, aquariums, and toy factories. More than 20 hours of entertainment await with intense but simple gameplay, high-speed challenges, and minigames!

File Name

Toys vs Monsters

Cart Size







USA, Europe & Japan





Release Date

December 18, 2014


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What if the ROM is encrypted?

If you find a ROM that's encrypted, you need to use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor, created by Matif.

The ROM isn't working correctly?

Not all games are fully compatible with Citra. If you do find a game that's not working, try using the latest PabloMK7 Citra fork, the continuation of Citra since its shutdown.
