Yo-kai Watch Blasters Red Cat Corps

Download Yo-Kai Watch Blasters Red Cat Corps ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Yo-kai Watch Blasters Red Cat Corps rom

ROM Information

Yo-Kai Watch Blasters Red Cat Corps is a role-playing video game developed and published by Level-5 for the Nintendo 3DS. Blasters was originally released in two versions, named Red Cat Corps and White Dog Squad. The game is a spin-off based on the Blasters mini-game in the main series game Yo-kai Watch 2, and was released in Japan in July 2015 and worldwide by Nintendo in September 2018. Human characters are noticeably absent from gameplay, and players control yōkai in a beat ’em up action style instead.

The story follows Jibanyan and his Blasters team in stopping Yo-kai shenanigans. Players tackle various missions and bosses and befriend new Yo-kai in the process. The game spoofs the Ghostbusters franchise, and is named “Busters” in the Japanese release. However, due to copyright and licensing issues, the Western release was renamed, and most of the overt references to Ghostbusters were removed (including notable spoofs of the Ectomobile and Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, among others).

In Yo-kai Watch Blasters, the player plays as Yo-kai; there are only four medal slots in Blasters, in contrast to the six slots in the main series games. The game has four types of missions: Story, Patrol, Boss Rush (Big Boss in English versions), and True Challenge Missions. In all missions, players collect Oni Orbs, an in-game currency that has many uses, including leveling up Yo-kai, buying items, making and upgrading equipment, and using the Oni Crank-a-kai.

The Crank-a-kai allows the player to spend coin items to have a chance at getting rare items and Yo-kai. In Story Missions, the player progresses through the story to become the best Blaster possible. There are two types of Story Missions: Main Missions and Sub Missions. As the name suggests, Main Missions are essential to completing the story. Sub Missions are generally optional, though some are essential to progress in the main story.

File Name

Yo-Kai Watch Blasters Red Cat Corps

Cart Size







USA, Europe & Japan





Release Date

July 11, 2015


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[Total: 31 Average: 3.9]

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If you find a ROM that's encrypted, you need to use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor, created by Matif.

The ROM isn't working correctly?

Not all games are fully compatible with Citra. If you do find a game that's not working, try using the latest PabloMK7 Citra fork, the continuation of Citra since its shutdown.
