Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX

Download Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX ROM for Nintendo 3DS.

Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX rom

ROM Information

Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX is an Action game that was developed and published by Akaoni Studio for the Nintendo 3DS and was released on October 30, 2014. In order to become the center of attention, a self-centered prince develops by error a magical perfume that turns everybody who smells it into a zombie. Characters from all over the popular Eastern and Western fable world, such as Snow WhiteMomotaro, AliceDorothy, and Little Red Riding Hood will have to confront the ‘amorous zombies’.

They are invading the Fairy Tale world in order to resolve the mystery of Prince Charming and his ‘scented dwarfs’ before it is too late. Let’s set out on a grand adventure to save the Wonderland from the zombies destroying all in your way! The world of the fairy tales has been invaded by a plague of strange zombies wondering and spreading an amorous and unpleasant scent.

Returning home for the first time in years, Momotaro (Peach Boy) comes upon this weird scent and feels urged to get to the bottom of the problem. Armed with powerful weapons, Momotaro goes through the most popular fairy tales, where also he meets allies who help him to defeat the craziest zombies full of love you have ever seen.

File Name

Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX

Cart Size







USA, Europe & Japan





Release Date

October 30, 2014


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If you find a ROM that's encrypted, you need to use the Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor, created by Matif.

The ROM isn't working correctly?

Not all games are fully compatible with Citra. If you do find a game that's not working, try using the latest PabloMK7 Citra fork, the continuation of Citra since its shutdown.
